July 5th

In order to meet the service requirements of the new era market, cultivate high-quality professionals, and enhance the strength of the team for business development, the product knowledge training was conducted by PJ-AUTO in the company’s meeting room on July 5th at 2 PM. All members of the B2B Business Department attended the training.

The training was delivered by Mr. Wu, the company’s General Manager, using a combination of theoretical learning and visual aids. At the beginning of the meeting, attendees had the opportunity to ask questions and receive answers from Mr. Wu regarding any doubts they had. He first introduced the company’s background, and then proceeded to explain the specific features of the products, basic knowledge of various systems, as well as their practical applications and functions.

During the training session, the participants engaged in interactive discussions about the challenges and focal points encountered in their practical work, and how to apply the acquired knowledge effectively in the market.

Through this training, the attendees gained a deeper understanding of the company’s products. It is hoped that this training will enable our colleagues in the business unit to provide more professional services to customers, creating value more efficiently. Everyone is encouraged to make their maximum effort to contribute to the company’s performance and to make PJ-AUTO bigger and stronger.