On January 31st, the PJAUTO 2023 Year-End Banquet was successfully held. The theme of the event was “Still Water Runs Deep, Consistent actions lead to great achievement.” Leaders of PJAUTO, representatives from our cooperative suppliers, employees, and their families were invited to gather and share this grand moment together.

The banquet commenced with a speech by General Manager Wu Yunqiang. In his opening remarks, he acknowledged the outstanding achievements and important milestones the company had achieved in the past year. He expressed his heartfelt gratitude to the dedicated employees, recognizing that their unwavering commitment and hard work were essential to the company’s success.

The highlight of the evening was the recognition of outstanding employees who had demonstrated exceptional performance and dedication. PJAUTO presented a series of awards, including “Employee of the Year,” “Best Newcomer Award,” and “Excellence in Teamwork,” to honor individuals and teams who had made outstanding contributions. The achievements of these exceptional individuals, teams, and departments would be recognized and praised, inspiring others to follow their example.

During the banquet, guests enjoyed a delicious feast meticulously prepared by our chefs, blending various flavors to cater to different tastes. The entertainment activities throughout the evening were diverse and engaging, with interactive games showcasing the active participation of our employees. The raffle draw also added excitement, congratulating every award-winning employee for their hard work and achievements throughout the year.

The year-end banquet was also an opportunity for PJAUTO to express gratitude to our customers and partners for their continuous support. It not only celebrated past achievements but also showed appreciation for all those who had contributed to the growth and success of PJAUTO. The event served as a platform to express gratitude to our customers, partners, and company employees for their ongoing support and trust. It laid the foundation for an exciting year ahead, filled with new energy, determination, and anticipation.